This yantra is thought to be a representative of Mount Meru, a mountain that is considered to be right in the center of the universe, and the Sri Yantra is considered to be where spiritual pilgrimage takes place. The Shri Chakra Nyasa identifies the different elements of the Shri Yantra with different parts of the human organism. If you want to learn how to use the Sri Yantra in your life please keep reading. The Sri Yantra ritual infuses the yantra with mantra that represents the union of space and sound. .Devipuram's primary focus is the Sahasrakshi Meru Temple, a unique three-storied structure built in the shape of a Sri Meru Yantra; i.e., a three-dimensional projection of the sacred Hindu diagram known as Sri Chakra, which is central to Srividya upasana (an ancient and … Also referred to as the Sri Chakra, the Sri Yantra (Shree Yantra) symbol is known as the “mother of all yantras”.. Its closed, concentric circuits (maṇḍalas) correspond to … Om Sri Raja Rajeshwariyai Namaha; Alternatively, this mantra can be used instead: Om Aim Kleem Shreem Hreem Namaha (The specified Mantra is to be recited for 108 times as a standard rule; however, changes if any will be mentioned at the time of buying.) The symbolism of Sri Chakra is prominently in terms of the numbers three and nine (‚tridha chaiva navadha chaiva chakra Œ samketakam punah™- yogini-hridayah, 1, 73) There are three dimensions of the Sri-chakra corresponding to the three sections (kuta) of the mantra and It is considered as the mother of all Yantras because they all come from this diagram. As the devotee touches the particular part of the body, she or he visualises the particular aspect and at the same time pronounces a mantra, linked to the particular matrikas or letters of the Sanskrit alphabet. Mantra for Sri Chakra Yantra. -Visualize Divine Mother Sri Devi Sivakameswari as shown in the picture in ajna chakra (in between the eyebrows) and chant mantra mentally by using rudraksha/crystal japamala. The kādi mantra (pañcadaśākṣarī) has four long ī vowels.According to some, the 16-syllable mantra (ṣoḍaśākṣarī) is obtained by adding the seed-syllable (bījākṣara) śrīṃ to the 15-syllable mantra.The Śri Vidyā mantra is viewed as 37 syllables, representing the 36 tattvas of reality of Sri Chakra The operation of the Sri Chakra is one of the highest and most powerful teachings to come out of India in this century. -The Tantra of Sri Chakra. The Sri Yantra (“sacred instrument“) or Sri Chakra (“sacred wheel“) or Mahameru [3D] is a yantra (instrument or machine) formed by nine interlocking triangles that surround and radiate out from the central (bindu) point, the junction point between the physical universe and its unmanifest source. In the case of Sri Chakra the Tantric texts give elaborate and systematic explanations to arrive at the conclusion that Sri Chakra and the Mantra of the Divine Mother are one and the same. SALE. (75-76) by Prof .Ramachandra rao. Every angle of every direction of the universe, is covered by the Sri Chakra. -Chant the mantra for 108 times or 15-30 min everyday. Sacred Sri Yantra Necklace + Pendant. The Sri Chakra is the home of Mother Divine, it is the Mother's energy structure and Her creation mechanism. The Goddess Lalitā Subhash Kak 4 confers benefit”. The Shri Yantra, Sri Yantra, or Sri Chakra is a form of mystical sacred geometry diagram from the Vedic, Hindu and Tantric cultures, the word Yantra means “instrument” or “support”. Similarly, the Chakra is not a means to worship the deity, but should be conceived as the Deity itself embodied in the sound form, the Mantra. This is because all yantras are derived from the Sri Yantra. SEE PRICE. The Sri Yantra, also known as Shree Yantra or Sri Chakra is one of the most powerful and important Yantras to help you fulfill your dreams.